都夢たみお 直筆エロ漫画原稿「恋する乙女は大胆に」20枚 CGデータのプリントやコピー等ではなく肉筆原画です メガネ委員長の肉弾介護!arstist : TOM TAMIO
domingo, 23 de febrero de 2025
森園みるく直筆原画 これがこう!「アヴァロンベイビーズ」花に囲まれた美女 . Ilustración original dibujada a mano de Morizono Milk: ¡Esta es! "Avalon Babies" Hermosa mujer rodeada de flores
森園みるく直筆原画 これがこう!「アヴァロンベイビーズ」花に囲まれた美女 .
Ilustración original dibujada a mano de Morizono Milk: ¡Esta es! "Avalon Babies" Hermosa mujer rodeada de flores
viernes, 30 de agosto de 2024
Hime Station Omawari-kun 15 dibujos originales Obras no incluidas en cómics Título [Pikapika no Omawari-kun]
CoroCoro Comic Número especial CoroCoro Aniki Verano 2019 Número julio 2019 (Shogakukan)
CoroCoro Comic Número especial CoroCoro Aniki Verano 2020 Número agosto 2020 (Shogakukan)
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CoroCoro Comic Número especial CoroCoro Aniki Número de primavera de 2019 Número de abril de 2019 (Shogakukan)
Número especial de CoroCoro Comic Número de invierno de CoroCoro 2021 Número de noviembre de 2020 (Shogakukan)
Número especial de CoroCoro Comic Número especial de CoroCoro Aniki Número de primavera de 2021 Número de marzo de 2021 (Shogakukan)
Número especial de CoroCoro Comic CoroCoro Aniki Número de invierno de 2019 Número de enero Edición de 2019 (Shogakukan)
Edición especial de CoroCoro Comic CoroCoro Aniki Edición de primavera de 2020 Edición de abril de 2020 (Shogakukan)
Edición especial de CoroCoro Comic CoroCoro Aniki Edición de otoño de 2018 Edición de septiembre de 2018 (Shogakukan)
Edición mensual de CoroCoro Comic de diciembre de 2018 (Shogakukan)
【希少】かみせん。 百瀬武昭直筆原稿 原稿枚 月刊ドラゴンエイジ 7月号 4折 漫画 FOR SALE OR TRADE Kamisen. BY Takeaki Momose Manuscrito Edición mensual de Dragon Age de julio Manga cuádruple
【希少】かみせん。 百瀬武昭直筆原稿 原稿枚 月刊ドラゴンエイジ 7月号 4折
Kamisen. Takeaki Momose Manuscrito manuscrito Hoja de manuscrito Edición mensual de Dragon Age de julio Manga cuádruple
``Assault Benryman ③'' dibujado a mano por el artista gráfico Susumu Tsutsumi /Tomoyoji, las 18 páginas impresas. Hay una copia impresa de la revista publicada Pizzazz. FOR SALE OR TRADE
``Assault Benryman ③'' dibujado a mano por el artista gráfico/Susumu Tsutsumi/Tomoyoji, las 18 páginas impresas. Hay una copia impresa de la revista publicada Pizzazz.
A complete set of 18 pages of the Action Pizazz "Charge Ben Leeman ③" letterpress illustrations by manga artist Susumu Tsutsumi and Tomoyo Tsuji. The magazine Pizazz has been printed.
Futabasha Action Pizazz New Series#Freestyle of the Bare Gal #Handyman's Hilarious H Power #Feeling Big Boobs #Ben Leeman's Candid Confession #Dynamite Body Explosion
Sensual Drama Artist Tsutsumi Susumu/Tomoyo Tsuji's hand-drawn illustrations New series "Charge Ben Leeman ③" All 18 pages of letterpress printing are available. Set with the printout of the original publication, Action Pizazz.
Original publication, Futabasha Action Pizazz, 1995, Heisei 7, 12-6 issue. Printouts are available.
Reprint publication is unknown. Please
consider it vintage, with notes by editors, reuse from other works, copy and paste, dirt, missing typesetting, and damage due to aging. Tsutsumi, who
had no experience as an assistant, is exploring a new and original style that was not seen in erotic manga up to that point, such as panel layout, story, and composition. The bold composition of the H-scenes became a hot topic, and there was a lot of tracing and plagiarism, and he was forced to deal with it.
In many cases, entire works, including stories and names, were plagiarized, and the author protested to the editorial department. A large number
of plagiarized cuts, ranging from 100 to 400, have been found in popular comics with 50 volumes that have been made into movies, and in series works by extremely popular female authors. In order to claim copyright
, the author copies the original drawings and reuses them several times. The author thought that copying would symbolize the original composition and appeal to the deja vu of readers, and would allow him to more strongly assert his rights as an author. There are also several copies and pastes made by symbolizing the works on display this time. Ideas, jokes, and punchlines were also sometimes remade to claim copyright. As the third-rate gekiga movement came to an end from the Showa era to the Heisei era, and signs of a publishing recession became clear, gekiga that were too heavy did not go well with videos and digitalization, and were no longer accepted by readers. I think it was a symbolic event that erotic manga began to come with special DVD supplements. After the year 2000, Tsutsumi began to draw "manga," Tomoyoji "gekiga," and Ai Kahoru "ladies ." I hope you will appreciate the aura of the original drawings, which are hand-drawn and unique, and the aura of the spiritual reality of the B author's attention to detail, trial and error, brushwork, and tone work that you will never find in a reproduction of the original drawing (?) or a printed work. The author is selling the returned BR old manuscripts himself while sorting them out. I aim for the shortest and quickest transaction. I may revise manuscripts that are badly damaged. Please forgive me for reusing packaging materials. "Charge Ben Leeman 2" was not returned after the reprint and was lost.